Volcanoes Quiz
13 soru/16 slayt
Volcanoes Quiz
Dive deep into the fiery world of volcanoes with this enlightening quiz! You'll explore the mysteries that shape these natural powerhouses, from the composition of magma to the environmental impacts of volcanic ash.

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Earth and Nature Quizzes
With quizzes on everything from the solar system to the volcanoes, these quizzes help to enrich your knowledge and further your understanding of these complex facets of the world around us.
What is the major factor that determines the shape of a volcano?
- Height of the volcano
- Composition of its magma
- Size of its base
- Location on Earth
What is the term for a volcano that has not erupted for a long time but may erupt again?
What are the world's largest active volcanoes?
- Lava domes
- Cinder cones
- Stratovolcanoes
- Shield volcanoes
What volcano has relatively steep sides and is more cone-shaped than shield volcanoes?
True or False: All volcanoes have a central vent.
- True
- False
What volcanic feature is created by the collapse of a volcano into itself?
- Lava plateau
- Caldera
- Volcanic neck
- Pyroclastic flow
What leads to most volcanic eruptions?
- Meteor impacts
- Tidal forces
- Movement of tectonic plates
- Solar flares
Where do the majority of Earth's volcanoes occur?
- Deserts
- The Ring of Fire
- Isolated islands
- The Polar regions
What is the Ring of Fire?
- A circle of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean
- A scientific theory about the origin of life on Earth
- A famous hiking trail around active volcanoes in South America
How does silica content affect volcanic lava?
- Increases viscosity
- Decreases temperature
- Changes color to green
- Makes it less dangerous
What is the name of the scientific study of earthquakes?
What does the term "pyroclastic flow" refer to?
- A slow-moving lava flow
- A type of volcanic ash cloud
- A method of predicting volcanic eruptions
- A fast-moving current of hot gas and volcanic materials
What type of volcanic eruption is characterised by the explosive ejection of tephra and gas?
- Effusive eruption
- Plinian eruption
- Strombolian eruption
- Hawaiian eruption
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Volcanoes Quiz