New Testament Quiz
10 soru/11 slayt
New Testament Quiz
Test your knowledge of the New Testament with this quiz. Find out if Jesus was born in Bethlehem, who denied knowing Jesus three times before his crucifixion, the name of the first book of the New Testament, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, and more.
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Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
- True
- False
Who denied knowing Jesus three times before his crucifixion?
- John
- Judas
- Mark
- Peter
What is the name of the first book of the New Testament?
- Exodus
- Genesis
- Matthew
- Romans
Who betrayed Jesus to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver?
- James
- Judas Iscariot
- Peter
- Thomas
Jesus was crucified by the Roman authorities.
- True
- False
Which of the following is not one of the four Gospels in the New Testament?
- Luke
- Mark
- Matthew
- Johnathan
Who was the mother of Jesus?
- Martha
- Mary Magdalene
- Mary of Nazareth
- Salome
Who famously doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw Jesus himself?
- John
- Luke
- Peter
- Thomas
Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River?
- James
- John the Baptist
- Judas Iscariot
- Paul
The apostle Paul was present at the Last Supper.
- True
- False
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New Testament Quiz