Is this state in Asia? Quiz
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Is this state in Asia? Quiz
Explore a true or false quiz that tests your knowledge on whether certain states are located in Asia or not. From Japan to Saudi Arabia, learn about countries locations. Challenge yourself and test your geography knowledge.

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Is Japan in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Egypt in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Turkey in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Bahrain in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Guyana in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Saudi Arabia in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Bhutan in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Kyrgyzstan in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Suriname in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is Seychelles in Asia?
- Yes
- No
Is this state in Asia? Quiz