Flags of the World Quiz
10 frågor/11 bilder
Flags of the World Quiz
This multiple choice quiz tests your knowledge of the flags of different countries around the world. Participants must look at images of flags and identify the corresponding country. Countries in the quiz include South Africa, Vietnam, Belgium, Lebanon, Austria, The Bahamas, Egypt, Finland, Iran, and Argentina.

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Geography Quizzes
How familiar are you with countries and their capitals, flags, or planets? Challenge your geography knowledge with these quizzes.
Which country's flag is this?
- Lesotho
- Namibia
- Nigeria
- South Africa
Which country's flag is this?
- China
- Malaysia
- Pakistan
- Vietnam
Which country's flag is this?
- Belgium
- Germany
- Portugal
- Romania
Which country's flag is this?
- Costa Rica
- Haiti
- Lebanon
- Turkey
Which country's flag is this?
- Austria
- Indonesia
- Peru
- Poland
Which country's flag is this?
- Bahamas
- Costa Rica
- Rwanda
- Zanzibar
Which country's flag is this?
- Egypt
- Germany
- Libya
- United Arab Emirates
Which country's flag is this?
- Denmark
- Finland
- Norway
- Sweden
Which country's flag is this?
- Iran
- Madagascar
- Oman
- Pakistan
Which country's flag is this?
- Argentina
- Greece
- Israel
- Philippines
Öppna Quiz
Flags of the World Quiz