Animal Quiz: Is It a Mammal?
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This quiz contains 10 yes or no questions challenging your knowledge of the animal kingdom. Can you separate the mammals from the rest?

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Natural Science
The natural sciences are filled with fascinating intricacies, and taking a quiz about natural sciences is an engaging and fun way to get to know more about them, in addition to testing your knowledge and measuring your progress.
Is a bat a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a turtle a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a kangaroo a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a whale a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a platypus a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a shark a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a seal a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a crocodile a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a koala a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Is a dolphin a mammal?
- Yes
- No
Animal Quiz: Is It a Mammal?