Containers Quiz - How is this named?
11 pytań/12 slajdów
This quiz tests your ability to identify various types of containers such as barrels, baskets, buckets, crates, jugs, and tubs. It's time to sort out your container knowledge!

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Test and expand your English vocabulary across a range of topics with these quizzes.
What's this container called?
- Bucket
- Basket
- Crate
What's this container called?
- Barrel
- Basket
- Crate
What's this container called?
- Crate
- Barrel
- Carton
What's this container called?
- Tube
- Crate
- Barrel
What's this container called?
- Jug
- Mug
- Pot
What's this container called?
- Box
- Tin
- Tub
Fill in the gap: A ........ of honey.
- jar
- tub
- tin
Fill in the gap: A ........ of flowers.
- barrel
- tub
- crate
Fill in the gap: A ........ of sardines.
- crate
- tin
- tub
Fill in the gap: A ........ of yoghurt.
- pot
- tin
- tube
Fill in the gap: A ........ of toothpaste.
- pack
- tub
- tube
Containers Quiz - How is this named?