Weather Idioms Quiz - Weather-related Expressions in English

10 questions/11 diapositives

Weather is a common small talk topic and especially in Britain, people love to discuss it. However, you might hear people saying they are right as rain or feeling under the weather. These expressions are idioms and they actually have nothing do to with weather. This quiz will test your knowledge of various colorful expressions inspired by the elements.

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English Idioms

Strengthen your communication and writing skills by practising English vocabulary and learning English idioms.


What does "come rain or shine" mean?

  • To always be on time
  • To be flexible with plans
  • To persist despite any obstacles
  • To be prepared for any situation

What does it mean when somebody says they are "on cloud nine"?

  • They are in a bad mood
  • They are extremely happy
  • They are confused
  • They are super relaxed

What does it mean when someone is "under the weather"?

  • They are feeling tired
  • They are feeling sad
  • They are feeling angry
  • They are feeling sick

When something happens "once in a blue moon", it happens very rarely.

  • TRUE

The "dog days of summer" is a phrase used to describe the colder and rainy days of summer.

  • TRUE

What is the meaning of the phrase "every cloud has a silver lining"?

  • There is always a positive side to a negative situation
  • Every situation has a negative outcome
  • Every situation has a positive outcome
  • There is always a negative side to a positive situation

What does it mean when someone is "chasing rainbows"?

  • Trying to find a pot of gold
  • Pursuing an unrealistic goal
  • Looking for a new job
  • Searching for a new home

What does it mean when someone says they will "take a rain check"?

  • They will decline an offer
  • They will go out in the rain
  • They will pay for something later
  • They will accept an offer at a later date

Complete the idiom: "steal someone’s ... "

  • rain
  • thunder
  • sunshine
  • storm

Complete the informal idiom: " ... as rain"

  • right
  • wrong
  • light
  • heavy
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Weather Idioms Quiz - Weather-related Expressions in English