Delicious Diction - Food Idioms Quiz
10 questions/11 diapositives
Test your knowledge of food idioms with this quiz. See if you know the meaning of 10 common food idioms, discover the meanings behind common culinary expressions and enrich your vocabulary.

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What does the phrase "the icing on the cake" mean?
- To add something extra
- To make something worse
- To make something better
- To make something easier
What does the phrase "a piece of cake" mean?
- Something tasty
- Something tough
- Something easy
- Something difficult
What does the phrase "a hard nut to crack" mean?
- Something easy to break
- Something difficult to break
- Something easy to understand
- Something difficult to understand
What does it mean when you sugarcoat something?
- You add sugar to something
- You make something look better
- You make something nicer
- You make something bigger
What does the phrase "spill the beans" mean?
- To gossip
- To tell a joke
- To make a mess
- To reveal a secret
A "couch potato" is a person who takes little or no exercise. A lazy and inactive person.
What does the phrase "walk on eggshells" mean?
- To be very careful
- To move quickly
- To be very quiet
- To take a long walk
What does the phrase "in a nutshell" mean?
- To be objective
- To be brief
- To be concise
- To be exact
What does the phrase "cry over spilt milk" mean?
- To express joy
- To be overly emotional
- To laugh uncontrollably
- To regret a past mistake
What does the phrase "like two peas in a pod" mean?
- To be very similar
- To be very different
- To be in agreement
- To be in disagreement
Delicious Diction - Food Idioms Quiz