Wedding Traditions Quiz

13 frågor/14 bilder

Test your knowledge of wedding traditions with this quiz. Questions cover traditional wedding gifts for anniversaries and wedding traditions from all around the world.

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What is the traditional gift for a 50th wedding anniversary?

  • Pearl
  • Gold
  • Diamond

Why is paper the traditional gift for a 1st wedding anniversary?

  • A new marriage is like a blank sheet of paper
  • To write down pros and cons of staying married
  • It represents two people who have become interwoven

What color is traditionally associated with Chinese wedding dresses?

  • White
  • Blue
  • Red

Why is silver the traditional gift for a 25th wedding anniversary?

  • To bring the the couple wealth
  • To commemorate the couple's time together
  • To represent the couple's commitment to each other

What do brides in Norway wear to ward off evil spirits?

  • Veils
  • Rings
  • Crowns

Nigerian couples must not smile during the wedding ceremony.

  • TRUE

In Fiji, when a man asks for a woman's hand in marriage, he must give his future father-in-law with a whale's tooth.

  • TRUE

Vietnamese wedding celebrations typically last for 12 days.

  • TRUE

German couples clean up piles of porcelain dishes thrown on the ground to ward off any evil spirits.

  • TRUE

It's considered good luck to have an odd number of guests at a Greek wedding.

  • TRUE

Why is throwing rice at newlyweds a traditional custom?

  • It wards off evil spirits
  • It symbolizes fertility
  • It shows appreciation

Why is the fourth finger of the left hand traditionally used for wearing a wedding ring?

  • It is the nicest finger
  • It is the most visible finger
  • It is the closest finger to the heart

In which country should the men who dance with the bride pin money to her dress as a sign of goodwill?

  • Cuba
  • Ghana
  • Guatemala
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Wedding Traditions Quiz