Mastering English Articles
10 întrebări/11 slide-uri
Mastering English Articles
A series of questions aimed at understanding the correct usage of the English articles - zero, indefinite, or definite. The quiz is designed for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners and tests different scenarios where these articles are used.

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Fill in the blank: ___ book is on the table.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: I saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: ___ sun is shining bright today.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: ___ apples are good for health.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: I have ___ pet cat.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: Sarah is ___ excellent singer.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: ___ university is a place for higher learning.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: ___ Eiffel Tower is in Paris.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: ___ schools should have better funding.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
Fill in the blank: ___ bluebird is a symbol of joy.
- A
- An
- The
- No article
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Mastering English Articles