Australian Slang Quiz
10 întrebări/11 slide-uri
Australian Slang Quiz
Brush up on your Aussie vernacular with this quiz! Decode sayings like 'chuck a sickie', 'fair dinkum' and 'budgie smugglers'. Identify objects like 'thongs', 'dunny' and 'esky'. Understand popular Aussie personalities and food terms with words such as 'bogan', 'barbie', and 'brekkie'.

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Rozumíš slangovým výrazům z britské, americké nebo australské angličtiny?
What does 'chuck a sickie' mean?
- To go to the beach
- To take a day off work
- To go to the doctor
- To go shopping
What does 'fair dinkum' mean?
- Honest
- Funny
- Serious
- Angry
What does 'budgie smugglers' mean?
- A type of boat
- A type of bird
- A type of car
- A type of swimwear
What does the Australian slang term "thongs" refer to?
- Shoes
- Underwear
- Sunglasses
- Hats
What does 'hoon' mean?
- To drive recklessly
- To drive slowly
- To drive carefully
- To drive illegally
What is a 'dunny'?
- A type of bird
- A type of boat
- A type of car
- A type of toilet
What does 'bogan' mean?
- A type of bird
- A type of boat
- A type of car
- A type of person
What does 'esky' mean?
- A type of bird
- A type of boat
- A type of car
- A type of cooler
What is a 'barbie'?
- A bird
- A boat
- A car
- A barbecue
What does 'brekkie' mean?
- A type of bird
- A type of boat
- A type of car
- A type of breakfast
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Australian Slang Quiz