Quiz: Can This Animal Fly?
10 pytań/11 slajdów
This quiz tests your knowledge of which animals are capable of powered flight. Questions cover bats, kiwis, penguins, flamingos, and several other animals.

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Natural Science
The natural sciences are filled with fascinating intricacies, and taking a quiz about natural sciences is an engaging and fun way to get to know more about them, in addition to testing your knowledge and measuring your progress.
Can a penguin fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a bat fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a peacock fly?
- Yes
- No
Can an ostrich fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a flying dragon fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a whooping crane fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a wild turkey fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a Wallace's flying frog fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a kiwi fly?
- Yes
- No
Can a flamingo fly?
- Yes
- No
Quiz: Can This Animal Fly?