Lithuania Quiz (Random Facts Series)
Narrált kvíz · 10 kérdés/15 diák
Learn about Lithuania with this quiz! Test your knowledge of the Lithuanian flag colors, the capital city, and its geographical borders. Learn about the nation's highest peak, national bird, ancient trees, beloved sport, and the significance of Lithuanian gold. Discover traditional Lithuanian cuisine and challenge your familiarity with the Lithuanian alphabet.

Kvízek készítése AI segítségével
Kombináld az AI asszisztens erejét és a saját kreativitásodat a Faabul szerkesztőjében lenyűgöző kvízek készítéséhez. Válassz a különböző kérdéstípusok, témák és képek közül. Oszd meg könnyedén a kvízedet, vagy vonzd be a diákjaidat élő kvízjátékokkal.
Which color is NOT found on the flag of Lithuania?
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
What is the capital of Lithiuania?
- Kaunas
- Riga
- Vilnius
- Tallinn
Does Lithuania share a border with Russia?
- Yes
- No
What is the height of the highest peak in Lithuania?
- 294 meters
- 1,511 meters
- 2,897 meters
- 5,055 meters
What is the national bird of Lithuania?
- Stork
- Swan
- Owl
- Kingfisher
The oldest tree in Lithuania is
- oak
- willow
- maple
- cedar
What is the most popular sport in Lithuania?
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Tennis
- Ice hockey
What is Lithuanian gold?
- Bronze
- Beer
- Amber
- Patience
Traditional Lithuaninan cuisine utilizes mainly
- potatoes
- corn
- rice
- seaweed
How many letters are there in the Lithuanian alphabet?
- 26
- 29
- 32
- 44
Lithuania Quiz (Random Facts Series)