Fun with Flags Quiz - What country's flag is this?

11 kérdés/23 diák

There are several reasons why some national flags resemble each other. The question is, can you recognize them? Test your flag knowledge with this quiz, in which each question focuses on two countries with very similar flags. Good luck!

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Name that flag

  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands

Name that flag

  • Romania
  • Chad

Name that flag

  • Iraq
  • Yemen

Name that flag

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Kuwait

Name that flag

  • Iceland
  • Norway

Name that flag

  • Slovenia
  • Slovakia

Name that flag

  • Senegal
  • Mali

Name that flag

  • New Zealand
  • Australia

Name that flag

  • Monaco
  • Poland

Name that flag

  • Honduras
  • Argentina

Name that flag

  • Venezuela
  • Columbia
Kvíz Megnyitása

Fun with Flags Quiz - What country's flag is this?