June Trivia Quiz - Multiple Choice Questions
10 questions/11 diapositives
Explore the wonders of June with this quiz with 10 multiple choice questions. Discover interesting trivia about June's history, holidays, and unique features. From historical events to special observances, see how much you really know about June.

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Which notable tennis event begins in late June in London?
- Wimbledon
- US Open
- Australian Open
- French Open
Gemini and Cancer zodiac signs fall under the month of June.
On which date did D-Day, the Normandy landings during WWII, take place?
- 6th June
- 16th June
- 26th June
- 30th June
What flower is typically associated with the month of June?
- Rose
- Lily
- Daisy
- Sunflower
June is named after which Roman goddess?
- Diana
- Juno
- Venus
- Minerva
Juneteenth, now a federal holiday in the United States, commemorates the end of slavery. When is it observed?
- 12th June
- 19th June
- 25th June
- 30th June
What is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in many countries?
- Father's Day
- Mother's Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
Which famous novel was published on 8th June 1949?
- Animal Farm
- 1984
- Brave New World
- Fahrenheit 451
World Environment Day is celebrated on 17th June.
Which fruit has its own national month in June in the USA?
- Apple
- Banana
- Mango
- Strawberry
June Trivia Quiz - Multiple Choice Questions