How Well Do You Know Me? Quiz Template
MODÈLE12 questions/13 diapositives
Template for a "Getting to Know Someone" quiz that can be edited for company meetings and teambuilding activities.

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What position do I hold at the company?
- Marketing Director
- Lead Developer
- Chief Financial Officer
How many languages can I speak?
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 4
Which university did I graduate from?
- Harvard University
- Stanford University
- Cambridge University
- Oxford University
Which project management tool do I favor?
- Trello
- Asana
- Jira
Do I prefer a standing or sitting desk?
- Standing
- Sitting
Am I a morning or night person?
- Morning person
- Night person
What is my preferred method of communication?
- Phone calls
- In-person meetings
- Slack
Do I prefer a paper or electronic calendar?
- Paper
- Electronic
How do I take my morning coffee?
- Black
- With sugar and cream
- Espresso, no sugar
- I don't drink coffee
What do I like to do on my work breaks?
- Go for a walk
- Read a book
- Play video games
- Have a coffee
Which type of cuisine is my favorite?
- Italian
- Indian
- Japanese
- Mexican
Am I allergic to anything?
- Peanuts
- Nothing
- Dairy products
- Cats