Nelson Mandela Day Quiz
14 questions/15 diapositives
Test your knowledge of Nelson Mandela International Day with this 10-question quiz. Learn about the day of celebration, Mandela's life and legacy, and the initiatives he launched to promote peace and reconciliation.

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When is Nelson Mandela Day celebrated?
- January 1st
- July 18th
- December 5th
- April 27th
What is the main purpose of Nelson Mandela International Day?
- To celebrate Mandela's life
- To raise awareness of poverty
- To promote peace and reconciliation
- To raise awareness of human rights
On this day, the Mandela Foundation asks people to help their communities in one of these areas: education and literacy, food and nutrition, shelter and housing, sanitation and active citizenship.
What was the official policy of racial segregation in South Africa from 1948 to 1994?
- Apartheid
- Segregation
- Discrimination
- Racism
In 1943, Nelson Mandela joined an anti-apartheid movement.
What was its name?
- The African National Congress
- The South African National Congress
- The African People's Congress
- The South African People's Congress
Why was Nelson Mandela arrested?
- For leading a peaceful protest
- For inciting a violent revolution
- For advocating for racial equality
- For refusing to pay taxes
How long did Nelson Mandela spend in prison?
- 19 years
- 23 years
- 27 years
- 37 years
While Nelson Mandela was in prison, people forgot about him and his activities.
In 1991, Nelson Mandela and South African president F.W. de Klerk worked together to set up a new political system.
How long was Nelson Mandela president of South Africa?
- 5 years
- 10 years
- 15 years
- 20 years
What is the name of the autobiography written by Nelson Mandela?
- Long Walk to Freedom
- The Struggle is My Life
- A Long Way to Freedom
- The Long Road to Freedom
What is the name of the award given in honour of Nelson Mandela?
- Nelson Mandela Peace Award
- Nelson Mandela Award
- Nelson Mandela Peace Medal
- Nelson Mandela Prize
What was Nelson Mandela's native language?
- Zulu
- Xhosa
- English
- Sepedi
Nelson Mandela cherished books and literacy and promoted reading over sports.
Nelson Mandela Day Quiz