Quiz: How is it spelled? 5th Grade Level
10 questions/11 diapositives
Dive into a spelling challenge for 5th grade students. The vocabulary spans across a variety of words we use in daily life, from the basics of our wardrobe to the essentials of our health and safety.

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History, Arts and Literature
Knowing the historical context of Arts, History, and Literature is important to comprehend the societies and cultures from which they emerged, as well as the impact they have on the world today. Taking quizzes in these fields can not only be a fun and interactive way to measure your knowledge, but can foster a greater passion for curiousity and exploration of the material.
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Technologee
- Technology
- Technolojy
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Accommodation
- Acommodation
- Acomodation
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Bathrobe
- Bahrobe
- Batrobe
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Catastrofe
- Catastrophe
- Catostrophe
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Ambulance
- Ambulunce
- Ambulanc
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Temperatur
- Temprature
- Temperature
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Curiositie
- Curiosety
- Curiosity
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Fingerneil
- Fingernail
- Fingernal
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Oxygen
- Oxigen
- Oxyjen
Which word is spelled correctly?
- Barefot
- Barefoot
- Bareefoot
Quiz: How is it spelled? 5th Grade Level