Geography Quiz: African Capitals
Quiz narré · 15 questions/16 diapositives
Take the geography quiz to see how well you know the African capitals. Test consists of 15 multiple choice questions. Each question asks for the capital of a different African country such as Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Sudan, or Tunisia.

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What is the capital of Ethiopia?
- Addis Ababa
- Bahir Dar
- Kinshasa
- Mekele
What is the capital of Algeria?
- Algiers
- Banjul
- Constantine
- Marrakesh
What is the capital of Senegal
- Dakar
- Kampala
- Saint-Louis
- Thiès
What is the capital of Sudan?
- Juba
- Khartoum
- Port Sudan
- Rabat
What is the administrative capital of South Africa?
- Cape Town
- Durban
- Johannesburg
- Pretoria
What is the capital of Egypt?
- Alexandria
- Cairo
- Giza
- Luxor
What is the capital of Kenya?
- Kisumu
- Mombasa
- Nairobi
- Nakuru
What is the capital of Tunisia?
- Cairo
- Fez
- Tripoli
- Tunis
What is the capital of Zimbabwe?
- Bulawayo
- Harare
- Mutare
- Niamey
What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau?
- Bissau
- Gabu
- Guinea
- Freetown
What is the capital of Djibouti?
- Asmara
- Bujumbura
- Conakry
- Djibouti
What is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
- Brazzaville
- Gaborone
- Kinshasa
- Lilongwe
What is the capital of Nigeria?
- Abuja
- Bamako
- Kigali
- Niamey
What is the capital of Somalia?
- Banjul
- Freetown
- Mogadishu
- Monrovia
What is the capital of Namibia?
- Niamey
- Ouagadougou
- Swakopmund
- Windhoek
Geography Quiz: African Capitals