Christmas Around the World Quiz
Quiz narré · 10 questions/11 diapositives
Test your knowledge on different Christmas traditions and customs observed in different parts of the world! From food to decorations, get ready to get a glimpse of how Christmas is celebrated worldwide!

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What country started the tradition of Christmas trees?
- United States
- Germany
- China
- United Kingdom
Who is 'Joulupukki' and where does he come from?
- Santa Claus, Finland
- An elf, Sweden
- Santa Claus, Norway
- A reindeer, Iceland
In which country is KFC a popular Christmas dinner?
- United States
- Australia
- Japan
- South Korea
Which country sends a Christmas tree to London every year as a gift?
- Denmark
- Canada
- Norway
- Sweden
Which country celebrates Christmas with a 'Feast of the Seven Fishes'?
- Greece
- Italy
- Portugal
- Spain
In South Africa, Christmas is often celebrated with a 'Braai'. What is it?
- Traditional dance
- Special church service
- Christmas presents hunt
- Large barbecue
What country has a legend of a witch who delivers gifts during Christmas?
- Iceland
- Italy
- Greece
- Poland
What is gifted among Icelanders during 'Jólabókaflóð'?
- mittens
- books
- socks
- chocolates
Who brings the gifts to children in the Czech Republic?
- Three Wise Men
- Baby Jesus
- Santa Claus
- Father Christmas
'Tió de Nadal' is a decorated log that 'poops' out gifts when hit with sticks.
- True
- False
Christmas Around the World Quiz