British Monarchs Quiz
11 questions/12 diapositives
Explore the fascinating world of British monarchs. Who was the first Queen of England or the last monarch to hold the title of Emperor of India? Which monarch was known as the "Merry Monarch," or "Virgin Queen"? Immerse yourself in the rich history of the British monarchy with this quiz and find out.

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Who was the first Queen of England?
- Queen Victoria
- Queen Elizabeth I
- Queen Anne
- Queen Mary I
Who was the last British monarch to hold the title of Emperor of India?
- King George VI
- Queen Victoria
- King George V
- Queen Elizabeth II
Which British monarch was known as the "Virgin Queen"?
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Queen Anne
- Queen Victoria
- Queen Elizabeth I
Which British monarch was known as the "Merry Monarch"?
- King Henry VIII
- King Charles II
- King Edward VII
- King James II
Which British monarch was known as the "Lionheart"?
- King John
- King Richard I
- King Edward I
- King Henry II
Who was the only British monarch to abdicate the throne?
- Queen Elizabeth II
- King George VI
- King Edward VIII
- King George III
Who was the British monarch during the American Revolution?
- King George I
- King George II
- King George III
- King George IV
Who was the first English monarch to have their realistic portrait stamped onto his coins?
- King Henry VII
- King Edward VI
- King Charles II
- King James I
Who was the first British monarch to appear on a postage stamp?
- Queen Victoria
- King George III
- King William IV
- King George IV
Who was the British monarch during World War I?
- King Edward VII
- King George V
- King George VI
- King Edward VIII
Who was the only English monarch to be executed?
- King Henry VIII
- King Charles I
- King Richard III
- King James I
British Monarchs Quiz