Integers Quizzes

Comparing Integers

Quizzes to practice comparing integers

Comparing Integers I - Math Quiz
Comparing Integers II - Math Quiz
Comparing Integers III - Math Quiz

Absolute and Opposite Values of Integers

Quizzes about absolute value and opposite value of integers

Absolute and Opposite Values of Integers I - Math Quiz
Absolute and opposite values of integers II - Math Quiz
Absolute and opposite values of integers III - Math Quiz

Addition and Subtraction of Integers

Quizzes to learn adding and subtracting integers

Addition of Integers I - Math Quiz
Addition of integers II - Math Quiz
Addition of integers III - Math Quiz
Subtraction of Integers I - Math Quiz
Subtraction of integers II - Math Quiz
Subtraction of integers III - Math Quiz
Addition and Subtraction of Integers I - Math Quiz
Addition and subtraction of integers II - Math Quiz
Addition and subtraction of integers III - Math Quiz

Miltiplication and Division of Integers

Quizzes to exercise multiplying and dividing integers

Multiplication of Integers I - Math Quiz
Multiplication of integers II - Math Quiz
Multiplication of integers III - Math Quiz
Division of Integers I - Math Quiz
Division of integers II - Math Quiz
Division of integers III - Math Quiz