Annual Business Review Template: Quiz about Acme Corporation's Yearly Performance
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Annual Business Review Template: Quiz about Acme Corporation's Yearly Performance
Template for annual business review quiz that can be edited for your company meeting.
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Quiz Templates for Company Events and Team Building
Use these quiz templates to create your own quizzes for company events or team building activities.
What was Acme Corporation's revenue growth percentage in the past year?
- 5%
- 10%
- 20%
- 15%
Which new product did Acme Corporation launch this year?
- X-2000
- A-100
- ProMaster
- Galaxy
How many new employees did Acme Corporation hire this year?
- 25
- 50
- 100
- 75
What was the biggest challenge Acme Corporation faced this year?
- Supply chain disruptions
- Cybersecurity threats
- Market competition
- Regulatory changes
Which department at Acme Corporation had the highest performance improvements?
- Sales
- Marketing
- R&D
- Customer support
Which country did Acme Corporation expand its operations into this year?
- China
- Germany
- Australia
- Canada
How many new patents did Acme Corporation file this year?
- 5
- 15
- 10
- 20
What percentage did Acme Corporation reduce its carbon footprint by?
- 5%
- 10%
- 15%
- 20%
What was the employee retention rate at Acme Corporation this year?
- 88%
- 93%
- 75%
- 85%
Which major award did Acme Corporation win this year?
- Best Innovation
- Top Employer
- Sustainability Champion
- Customer Service Excellence
How much did Acme Corporation invest in research and development this year?
- $10 million
- $20 million
- $15 million
- $25 million
What was one thing that did not go well for Acme Corporation this year?
- Product recall
- Website downtime
- Employee strike
- Data breach
What was one major accomplishment for Acme Corporation this year?
- Record sales
- New headquarters
- Acquisition of a competitor
- IPO launch