Guess the Country - 20 Natural Wonders Quiz

20 frågor/21 bilder

In this quiz, you’ll see 20 stunning photos of famous landscapes from around the world—your challenge is to guess which country they belong to! Whether it’s a crystal-clear lake, a dramatic canyon, or a majestic mountain range, these iconic landmarks have captured the hearts of travelers for centuries. How well do you know the world’s most beautiful places? Test your geography knowledge now and see if you can identify them all!

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Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

Guess the country

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Guess the Country - 20 Natural Wonders Quiz