Diversity and Inclusion Quiz Template
ŠABLÓNA14 otázok/15 snímok
Template for a diversity and inclusion quiz for a better understanding of workplace inclusion, diversity, discrimination, cultural competence, and more.

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What does inclusion mean in the workplace?
- Hiring people based on quotas
- Integrating all employees into work processes and culture
- Mandating equal salaries for all
- Excluding certain groups to maintain focus
What is diversity?
- Involves respecting and appreciating differences among people
- A state where all people are identical
- A period of economic struggle
- A form of government
What is immigration?
- Leaving one's country permanently
- Moving into a new country to live
- A temporary vacation abroad
- A form of protest
Which of the following is not a benefit of living in a diverse society?
- Exposure to different perspectives
- Increased cultural enrichment
- Higher levels of prejudice and intolerance
- Greater innovation and creativity
What is discrimination?
- Fair treatment of all people
- Unfair treatment of a person or group based on characteristics
- A legal requirement
- A form of compliment
What does unconscious bias refer to?
- Making decisions based on explicit knowledge
- Prejudices we are unaware of
- A type of overt discrimination
- A strategy for inclusive leadership
What does cultural competence involve?
- Ignoring cultural differences
- Understanding and respecting cultural differences
- Assuming all cultures are the same
- Practicing only your culture
What does the Equal Pay Act address?
- Discrimination in salaries based on race
- Equal pay for equal work regardless of gender
- Employment benefits
- Maternity leave policies
What is an affinity group?
- A group formed based on common interests or characteristics
- An organization for investment
- A legal term for joint ownership
- A strategy for outsourcing
What is assimilation in a cultural context?
- Maintaining cultural heritage
- Adopting the cultural norms of the dominant group
- Creating a new culture
- Promoting multiculturalism
What is the glass ceiling?
- The architectural design of a building
- An invisible barrier to advancement in a profession
- The highest floor in a skyscraper
- A financial term for peak earnings
What is a microaggression?
- A small-scale physical attack
- Everyday verbal or behavioral slights
- Positive reinforcement
- A regional conflict
What is meant by intersectionality?
- The study of intersections in urban planning
- Interconnected nature of social categorizations
- Combined financial assets
- A joint venture
Why is diversity training important?
- Reduces workplace diversity
- Promotes understanding and reduces biases
- Increases competition among team members
- Restricts cultural expression