Interactive Activities

Interactive Activities to Introduce a New Topic

You can use one of the following interactive activities to help introduce and engage the audience with a new topic:

  • Guess the Topic: Ask a few fun or interesting questions related to the topic. Based on these clues, participants try to guess the topic of the lecture, sparking curiosity and interest.

  • Picture Prompt: Show a few pictures related to the topic and have participants name what they see. From their answers, they will try to figure out the topic of the lesson.

  • Background Knowledge Probe: Ask a few simple questions to check what the audience already knows about the topic. This helps you adjust the content to their level.

  • Assess Common Misconceptions: Present common misconceptions about the topic and see how many people believe them. This activity clears up misunderstandings and prepares the group for new insights.

Guess the Topic - Topic Introduction Activity Template
Today's Topic Quiz Template - Picture Prompt
Basic Python Programming Quiz - Background Knowledge Probe
Climate Change and Global Warming Quiz - Assess Common Misconceptions

Interactive Activities to Check and Strengthen Understanding

These activities help test and improve participants' understanding of the topic:

  • Real Life Application: Present real-world problems connected to the topic. Participants solve these problems using what they have learned, helping them understand how the topic applies to everyday situations.
Newton's Laws of Motion - Real Life Application