Greece Quiz (Random Facts Series)

13 vragen/20 dia's

Embark on a fascinating journey to uncover the rich tapestry of Greece's vibrant history and culture with this quiz! You'll explore the emblematic blue stripes of the Greek flag, delve into the beautiful script of the Greek alphabet, and find out how the majestic Acropolis has weathered the test of time. Along the way, you'll uncover myths and legends, such as the tale of Athena's precious gift to the people of Athens and her beloved animal companion.

You'll travel back in time to the first Olympic Games and learn about the esteemed rewards the victors received. Discover quirky traditions, from the interesting outfits of the Greek military to the leisurely dining habits of ancient Greek nobles. Unearth ancient treasures, such as the oldest olive tree in Greece, and find out about surprising Greek inventions that have endured through the ages. By the end of this quiz, you’ll have a newfound appreciation for the timeless wonders and enduring spirit of Greece.

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Country Fun Facts

Welcome to our geography quizzes collection - fun facts edition. Take a fast and exciting trip from the sunny beaches of Cyprus to the modern world of Japan! Along the way, explore different cultures, histories, and landscapes across Europe and beyond. Discover special places in Germany, Greece, the Nordic countries, and the unique Baltic states.


How many blue stripes are there on the Greek flag?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

What is the name of the current Greek king?

  • Constantine
  • Alexander
  • Nicholas
  • There is no king

Learning the alphabet might be useful when navigating in Greece. Can you transribe Ακρόπολη?

  • Athens
  • Parthenónas
  • Acropolis
  • Olympía

As stunning as it is, Acropolis is unfortunately missing original statues known as Elgin Marbles. Who took them?

  • The Germans
  • The Romans
  • The Turks
  • The British

What gift did Athena present to the people of Athens to win over Poseidon?

  • A golden crown
  • A magical sword
  • An olive tree
  • Saltwater springs

What animal did Athena have as a pet?

  • Tortoise
  • Owl
  • Lion
  • Unicorn

When were the first Olympic Games held?

  • ~ 7600 BC
  • 776 BC
  • 76 AD
  • 1896 AD

What were the winners of the original Olympics awarded, apart from glory?

  • Gold medals
  • Olive wreaths
  • Silver coins
  • Bronze statues

What is the estimated age of the oldest olive tree in Greece?

  • 100 years
  • 500 years
  • 1000 years
  • 4000 years

What does the parade dress uniform of the Greek military look like?

  • Blue suit with white decorations
  • White suit with blue decorations
  • Blue trousers and white jacket
  • White pantyhose and beige kilt

How did the noble people of ancient Greece typically consume food?

  • While walking around
  • Standing up
  • Sitting down
  • While lying on a sofa

Which of the following famous toys was invented in Greece?

  • Rubik's Cube
  • Spinning top
  • Yo-yo
  • Model train

Who did the ancient Greeks refer to as idiot?

  • Educated individuals
  • Artists and musicians
  • Athletes and warriors
  • Common man
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Greece Quiz (Random Facts Series)