13 問/16 スライド
Which animal represents 2025 in the Chinese zodiac?
- 虎 tiger
- 蛇 snake
- 馬 hours
- 豚 pig
Yamata-no-Orochi is a mythical snake monster in Japanese folklore.
How many heads does he have?
- 4
- 8
- 10
- 12
What traditional Japanese meal is eaten on the New Year's day?
- 寿司 sushi
- てんぷら tenpura
- ラーメン ramen
- おせち料理 osechi ryori
Osechi ryori is a special set of dishes prepared for the New Year. Each dish has a simbolic meaning,
such as a health, prosperity, or happiness.
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Which item symbolizes Longevity?
- 黒豆 black beans
- れんこん loutas root
- えび shrimp
What does Black beans (Kuro mame) symbolize ?
- 幸福 Happiness
- 勤勉 Diligence
- 長寿 Longevity
What does Lotus root (Renkon) symbolize?
- New biginnings
- Clear vision for the future
- strenght and endurance
'Hatsumode' (初詣) is a time when people visit shrines or temples to pray for good fortune in the coming year, often purchasing charms(お守り) and drawing fortune slips(おみくじ).
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Where do you clap your hands during New Year's visit?
- お寺 temple
- 神社 shrine
How many times do you clap
your hands at a shrine?
- 1回
- 2回
The first auction of the year is called ’Hatsuzeri’ (初競り).Bluefin tuna is famously auctioned at extremely high prices at the Toyosu market in Tokyo.
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How much was the bluefin tuna sold this year?
- 1億円 100 million yen
- 2億円 200 million yen
- 2億円以上 over 2 million yen
What is tuna in Japanese?