Love Quiz - Dating Customs and Trends Around the World

10 kérdés/11 diák

Take a fun journey through the unique customs and traditions of love and relationships around the world! This quiz explores surprising marriage and courtship practices from different cultures, showing how people celebrate and express love in their own ways.

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What is "scrooging" in modern dating terminology?

  • Being overly generous
  • Dressing up as a character on dates
  • Breaking up before having to buy a holiday gift
  • Obsessively counting money on dates

In which country might you find a "courting hut" for young couples?

  • Kenya
  • Japan
  • Cambodia
  • Brazil

What is the traditional gift a man presents when asking for a woman's hand in marriage in Fiji?

  • A pearl necklace
  • A sperm whale's tooth
  • A coconut
  • A rare seashell

What do the Daur people of China inspect to set a wedding date?

  • Tea leaves
  • Moon phases
  • Tree rings
  • Chicken liver

What is the main prize in the Wife-Carrying World Championships held in Finland?

  • A new car
  • A year's supply of chocolate
  • The wife's weight in beer
  • A romantic vacation

What object is traditionally carved and given as a token of love in Wales?

  • Heart
  • Spoon
  • Ring
  • Shoe

What is the name of the museum in Zagreb, Croatia, dedicated to failed relationships?

  • Love Lost Museum
  • Heartbreak Gallery
  • Museum of Broken Relationships
  • Ex-Files Exhibition

In which country might you find "Bachelor and Spinster Balls" in rural areas?

  • England
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Australia

What is "yap-trapping" in the context of modern dating trends?

  • Talking excessively on dates
  • Setting animal traps
  • A new dance move
  • A type of social media filter

What is the traditional way for young Kickapoo people in Mexico to express romantic interest?

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Whistling
  • Writing poetry
Kvíz Megnyitása

Love Quiz - Dating Customs and Trends Around the World