Plane Idioms Quiz

8 spørgsmål/9 slides

This quiz will test your knowledge of English idioms that are derived from aviation. Fly off the handle or jet set your way through these phrases that have been taken from the sky and migrated into everyday language.

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English Idioms

Strengthen your communication and writing skills by practising English vocabulary and learning English idioms.


What does it mean when you do something on autopilot?

  • You understand aviation
  • You perform tasks automatically without much thought
  • You fly an airplane without human intervention
  • You guide someone successfully to a destination

What does it mean when you describe someone as 'grounded'?

  • They are well established
  • They are unable to fly
  • They are realistic and make good decisions
  • They are very conservative

Which idiom means 'to do something hoping that you will succeed although you haven't prepared enough'?

  • With a wing and a prayer
  • Fly off the handle
  • Be on a collision course
  • Take a nosedive

Fill the gap: When you react in a very angry way to something that someone says or does, you ... the handle.

  • take off
  • fly high
  • fly off
  • take a nosedive

Fill the gap: When you need to improvise or do something difficult without much experience or ability, you fly by the seat of your ... .

  • nose
  • feet
  • suit
  • pants

What does 'flying high' mean?

  • Feeling depressed
  • Achieving success
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • In an airplane at maximum elevation

What is the meaning of the idiom 'take a nosedive'?

  • To increase dramatically
  • To remain unchanged
  • To decrease or fail suddenly and dramatically
  • To improve after a decline

What does 'the jet set' refer to?

  • A group of frequent flyers
  • A fast-paced lifestyle
  • International travelers with a luxurious lifestyle
  • Setting goals for an airplane journey
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Plane Idioms Quiz