Animal Idioms Quiz
15 otázok/16 snímok
Animal Idioms Quiz
English idioms are an important part of everyday language. However, they don't always make sense literally, so it's necessary to learn the meanings and usage of such expressions. This quiz focuses on animal idioms - let's find out how confident you are when it comes to phrases such as "dog eat dog world" or "straight from the horse's mouth".

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What does the phrase "have ants in your pants" mean?
- To be sick
- To be nervous
- To be angry
How much do you take when you take "the lion's share" of something?
- You share equally
- You take the least
- You take the majority
What does it mean to be "pig-headed"?
- Stubborn
- Lazy
- Greedy
What is the meaning of the phrase "a leopard can't change its spots"?
- It is impossible to change one's nature
- It is impossible to change one's appearance
- It is impossible to change one's opinions
When you tell somebody to "get their ducks in a row", you want them to be:
- Chaotic
- Confident
- Organized
What does it mean when someone is like "a bull in a china shop"?
- They are funny
- They are destructive and careless
- They are somewhere where they don't belong
How do you feel when you are like "a deer caught in the headlights"?
- Shocked
- Overwhelmed
- Frozen with fear
What does the phrase "get someone's goat" mean?
- To make someone angry
- To annoy someone
- To steal someone's pet
What do you do when you "let the cat out of the bag"?
- You reveal a secret
- You tell a lie
- You keep a secret
What does the phrase "to make a beeline" mean?
- To lie in a meadow
- To take a long route
- To take a direct route
What does the phrase "the world is your oyster" mean?
- You are disgusting
- You have unlimited potential
- You are close-minded
What does the phrase "straight from the horse's mouth" mean?
- To get the news from social media
- To get the news from a close friend
- To get the news from a reliable source
What does the phrase "let sleeping dogs lie" mean?
- To leave a situation alone
- To ignore a problem
- To cause trouble
What does the phrase "dog eat dog" mean?
- To be kind to one another
- To be competitive and ruthless
- To be loyal and protective
What does it mean when something is described as "fishy"?
- Smelly
- Colorful
- Suspicious
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Animal Idioms Quiz