20 Fun Quiz Questions
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20 Fun Quiz Questions
Take this quiz and answer 20 fun quiz questions, exploring topics like the hidden uses of jean pockets, ice cream records, food eaten in space, and quirky international laws. Can you guess all the answers?

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True or false: Coca-Cola was originally green.
What’s the most scoops of ice cream ever balanced on a single cone?
- 87
- 99
- 100
- 125
Which country consumes the most chocolate per capita?
- Germany
- Belgium
- United States
- Switzerland
How many times does the average person laugh in a day?
What is the tiny pocket inside jeans originally designed for?
- Coins
- Pocket watches
- Sewing kits
- Lucky charms
What was the first food eaten in space?
- Sandwich
- Applesauce
- Candy
- Peanuts
What unusual thing do flamingos do to eat?
- Stand on one leg
- Turn their heads upside-down
- Hold their breath
- Wiggle their beaks
How many minutes did the shortest war in history last?
Which animal can sleep for three years?
- Sloth
- Snail
- Bear
- Tortoise
What is the color of a polar bear's skin beneath its fur?
- White
- Black
- Pink
- Brown
How long is the shortest commercial flight in the world?
- 1.5 minute
- 5 minutes
- 7 minutes
- 10 minutes
It is illegal to name a pig Napoleon in France.
What’s the record for the longest time holding one breath underwater?
- 10 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 24 minutes
- 29 minutes
In which country is chewing gum illegal in public?
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
You cannot use a vacuum cleaner after 10pm in Victoria, Australia.
What country is credited with inventing ice cream?
- China
- Italy
- France
- Morroco
Which fruit is banned in many hotels for its strong smell?
- Mango
- Durian
- Jackfruit
- Dragon fruit
What’s the fastest time someone has eaten a 12-inch pizza?
- 10 seconds
- 23 seconds
- 53 seconds
- 1 minute
How much saliva does the average person produce in a lifetime?
- Enough to fill a bathtub
- Enough to fill two swimming pools
- Enough to fill a barrel
- Enough to fill a car
It is illegal to reincarnate without government permission in China
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20 Fun Quiz Questions